Lohtajankatu 3 F361, Puistola



The city district of Puistola is located approximately 1.5km towards Iisalmi from Kajaani\'s city center.


All the services of the city are nearby. All the schools are less than 3km away from the location.

Lohtajankatu 3

General information

There is a 4-storeyed block of flats with 3-room flats with shared kitchen of size 64,5 m2 and 2-room-flats of sizes 42,5 m2 and 52 m2.

All the three-room flats with shared kitchen have full furnishing (bed, desk, chair and wardrobe and in the kitchen a dining table with chairs). 2-room-flats are unfurnished.

Rent in three-room flats with shared kitchen include water and electricity. In 2-room flats there is a separate contract for electricity with the electricity supplier.

Laundry facility is located at Lohtajankatu 5.

Rent includes internet connection. Connection speed is 100/10M.

Janitor of the property

Petri Komulainen, tel. 040 533 5984