Lohtajankatu 3 F258, Puistola
Lohtajankatu 3
General information
There is a 4-storeyed block of flats with 3-room flats with shared kitchen of size 64,5 m2 and 2-room-flats of sizes 42,5 m2 and 52 m2.
All the three-room flats with shared kitchen have full furnishing (bed, desk, chair and wardrobe and in the kitchen a dining table with chairs). 2-room-flats are unfurnished.
Rent in three-room flats with shared kitchen include water and electricity. In 2-room flats there is a separate contract for electricity with the electricity supplier.
Laundry facility is located at Lohtajankatu 5.
Rent includes internet connection. Connection speed is 100/10M.
Janitor of the property
Petri Komulainen, tel. 040 533 5984Housing types
- Address: Lohtajankatu 3 F258
- Floor: 2
- Construction year: 1980
- Rent per squere: 0,00/jm2
- Rent: 485,00/kk
- Renovation Year: 1997
- Available: Unavailable