Samoojantie 5 A3, Huuhkajanvaara
Samoojantie 5
General information
There are lowrise blocks of flats and townhomes at the property.
There are rooms for drying your laundry at the property. There is a laundry facility at the maintenance building at Ensitaival 2.
There is a shared sauna where you can book your personal turn at from the Rental Secretary.
Janitor at the property
Raimo Sissonen, tel. 050 603 27Housing types
- Address: Samoojantie 5 A3
- Floor: 1
- Construction year: 1992
- Rent per squere: 11,70/jm2
- Rent: 576,81/kk
- Renovation Year: 0
- Available: Unavailable