Maahisentie 7, Lohtaja



Lohtaja city district is located about 3 km from the Kajaani center towards Iisalmi.


There is a store, school, health center, pharmacy and daycare at the district.  There is also a sub-library and recreational area.

Maahisentie 7

General Information

There is a 3-storied-block of flats of all together 15 flats at the property (renovated 2013).

There is apartment specific heat-and water usage metering system at the property.

The laundry facility is located at Maahisentie 3 yard area. Waching machines work by phone.

Some apartments have their own sauna.

There is a shared sauna where you can book your turn with the landlord.

Janitor of the property

Lassi Kinnunen
Tel. 050-60323