Laajankankaankatu 3, Laajankangas



Laajankankas city districit is located about 3 km from the Kajaani center towards Sotkamo.


Laajankankas city districit is located about 3 km from the Kajaani center towards Sotkamo.

Also in the neighbourhood there is a canine park and large wooded park area for recreation and outdoor activities.

Laajankankaankatu 3

General information

There are blocks of flats at the property.

There is a laundry facility at the property (B-stairway).

There is a shared sauna where you can book your personal turn at from the Rental Secretary.

Each apartment has their personal cold storage at the property.

Janitor at the property

Jaakko Kinnunen, tel. 040 678 2070