Laajankankaankatu 1, Laajankangas



Laajankankas city districit is located about 3 km from the Kajaani center towards Sotkamo.


Laajankankas city districit is located about 3 km from the Kajaani center towards Sotkamo.

Also in the neighbourhood there is a canine park and large wooded park area for recreation and outdoor activities.

Laajankankaankatu 1

General Information

There are blocks of flats at the property with balconies with glass walls.

Each apartment has their own personal cold storage unit at the property.

There is a laundry facility at the property (B -stairway).

There is a shared sauna where you can book your personal turn from our customer service.

Rent includes internet connection. Connection speed is 100/10M.

Janitor at the property

Jaakko Kinnunen, tel. 040 678 2070